デジタル革命がアフリカの農業を変える。 12/24








実際、アフリカの農業面でのポテンシャルは計り知れません。アフリカには世界の半分の耕作適地が存在しています。しかし、政府の政策と資金が不足しているためにそのほとんどが未灌漑か、紛争のために立ち入り禁止になっています。この現状を打開すべく活動している民間企業の例として挙げられているのが "Wefarm" や "Twiga Foods"といったIT企業。対象者は地方の小農家で、必要物の購入やほかの農民との情報交換、市場と情報へのアクセスを、スマホを通して行います。道路や水道といったインフラよりも先に携帯が爆発的に普及したアフリカならではの方法です。






  • entail

...which would entail a wait of up to two days and a cost of 1,000 shillings (£8).

  • live off(on), immaculately, verdant

“The animal had bloody diarrhoea – I knew that if I didn’t get it treated it could die,” says James, a 47-year-old farmer who lives off his immaculately-kept half-acre farm in Kirinyaga, a verdant farming region on the slopes of Mount Kenya.

  • mundane 

A simple text may seem mundane but a little information can go a long way in much of Africa.

  • inching up

Productivity has only been inching up since the 1960s, while the population has doubled in the last three decades.

  • at the mercy of

They’re at the mercy of both nature and poor policy.

  • arable, tracts, off-limits

And although sub-Saharan Africa might have half of the world’s uncultivated arable land, most is not irrigated and large tracts are off-limits due to conflict.

  • piggyback 

Almost a quarter are based in Kenya where the M-Pesa mobile money revolution has made it easier for companies to piggyback onto the country’s tech-friendly attitudes and ICT infrastructure.

  • out of, fragmented, averse

Making a viable business out of a fragmented, risk-averse market of smallholder farmers might be tough, but some companies are starting to crack it.

  • aggregate, knock-on effects

“If we can aggregate the purchasing power of Africa’s cities we can generate a lot of knock-on effects to stabilise agricultural markets for Africa’s farmers,” he says.

  • (middlemen,) spoil, rotten

“The prices the middlemen offered me were low but I was forced to take them because I’ve got no transport to take my produce to market and I can only keep it for a few days before it spoils,” says Raphael. Sometimes, his produce would even go rotten while waiting for a middleman who might come days later than promised.

  • dazzle, constraint 

“It’s very sexy to work on ICT and new technology that dazzles people but the real constraint is that nobody wants to invest very much in...

  • larger-than-life, gushes over 

And although the rains failed this time, the larger-than-life farmer gushes over how the technology in her hand has changed her life, and she’s hopeful it could also turn around her farm.




entail: 伴う

calves: 子牛

live off(on): ~に依存する

immaculately: 完全な

verdant: 緑豊かな

mundane: 平凡な、世俗的な

inching up: 少しずつ動く

at the mercy of: completely in the power of.

scant: 乏しい、不十分な

arable: 耕作に適する

tracts: 広い地域、道、束

off-limit: 立ち入り禁止

fertility: 肥沃

piggyback: おんぶする、便乗する

out of: from

fragmented: 分解されている、ばらばらの

averse: 嫌っている、反対の

aggregate: 集める

knock-on effect: 連鎖反応(?)

arid: 乾燥した

scarce: 乏しい

spoil: 台無しにする、腐らせる

rotten: 腐った、もろい、不愉快な

deeds: 行為

punt: 小舟、漕ぐ

sleek: なめらかな、口上手な

intermediaries: 中間の、中継の

maize: トウモロコシ

detour: 迂回路

counterparts: (前に提示されたものの)対照物

dazzle: 目を眩ます

constraint: 強制、束縛

panacea: 万能薬

at par with: ~と同等な

sentiment: 感情、情緒

larger-than-life: 気丈な、英雄的な、堂々とした

gush over: しゃべりたてる