果てしない旅程。アメリカを目指すアフリカ難民 (12/27)







ブラジルやエクアドルはビザ要件が緩いため、アメリカを目指す人々はまずキトに空路で向かいます。そこから、コロンビア、パナマコスタリカニカラグアホンジュラスグアテマラ、メキシコを陸路で越え、アメリカを目指します。しかし、その旅程は生半可なものではありません。コロンビア-パナマ間にはDarién Gapという約100kmにわたる悪名高いマングローブが鎮座しており、毒蛇や毒カエル、うねり狂う濁流、過酷な自然だけではなく、大麻密輸業者やゲリラに武器を提供する武器商人なども跋扈しています。

“It was a horrible experience believe me – if I had known what it was going to be like I would have remained in Colombia,” says Tangie.

“You find somebody dying but you cannot help that person. We were in a group of Cameroonians of more than 50, believe me – around 45 of us made it.


物理的に最大の難所を超えたとて、当人らの努力だけではどうにもならない壁がまだ残っています。トランプ大統領の「Remain in Mexico」政策により、メキシコからアメリカへの入国手続きは遅々として進みません。結果、国境沿いの都市で立ち往生するほかないわけですが、そこでは難民に対する差別が蔓延っています。かつては難民に対して寛容であるといわれたメキシコですが、大量の難民により市民に不安が広がり、右傾化せざるを得なくなったわけです。加えて、法的に保証されていない難民は凶悪犯罪のターゲットにされています。


“I have been persevering,” he said via a WhatsApp message.

“But life in Tijuana is getting harder day after day. I have no choice but to get into the US illegally. If you don’t find me online, just pray for me.”



  • Vocabulary

trode: 踏み入れる

hobble: 故意に妨害する、歩きにくくさせる

corpse: 死体

incapacitated: 能力を奪われた; disabled

infirm: 虚弱な、老衰した

swamp: 湿地、沼地、難局

fall away: 下に傾斜する

precipitiously: 急な、激しい

trek: journey, travel

detain: 引き留める

undetected: 未検知の

interminable: endless

persecute: 迫害する

treacherous: 危険な、裏切る

infest: 寄生する、集る

rickety: ぐらぐらする

funnel: 煙突、漏斗

oarsman: 漕ぎ手 (oar=オール)

raft: いかだ

vigilance: 不寝番、警戒、用心

apprehend: 逮捕する

be tasked with ~ing: ~する責務を負う

extorted: 奪い取る、ゆすりとる

congregate: 集める

boarding houses: 下宿

clad: clotheの過去・過去分詞形

wed: 傾倒する、執着する

generosity: 寛容

thin: 薄い

shabby: みすぼらしい、むさくるしい

seedy: みすぼらしい

whilst: while

remittance: 送金

blackmail: 恐喝する、脅迫する

procedure: 手順、やり方、順序




  • trode

The route from South to North America is well-trodden by those seeking a new life in the US.

  • hobble

Hobbling from snake bites, men and women traversing one of the world’s most dangerous stretches of jungle are abandoned to their fate.

  • incapacitated, infirm

In the heart of the Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama there is no time to wait for the incapacitated, the infirm or those not strong enough to push on.

  • fall away, precipitiously

As Europe has tightened immigration controls, and the numbers crossing the Mediterranean fallen away precipitously, citizens of troubled African nations have started looking west across the Atlantic.

  • interminable

Tangie is one of hundreds of Africans now camped at the Mexico border in a seemingly interminable queue for an asylum hearing.

The treacherous 60-mile zone of dense rainforest that separates Colombia and Panama is infested with drug traffickers as well as poisonous snakes and spiders.

  • rickety

... after paying for a rickety speed boat to take them across the bay at the end the Atrato River.

  • be tasked with ~ing, apprehend

Instead, it has been tasked with apprehending migrants, and preventing them from coming into Mexico or trying to cross its northern line into the United States illegally.

  • congregate, boarding houses

Outside the offices of its immigration agency, INM, hundreds of people congregate everyday to get information about refuges and boarding houses and temporary legal status in the country as they move north to the U.S border.

  • wed

Softly spoken and traveling alone, he isn’t wedded to the idea of getting to the United States.

  • shabby, seedy

Tijuana has a shabby charm in parts and American-style roads and restaurants in others. Both seedy and sophisticated, it is traditionally a popular tourist playground for Americans in cities like San Diego on the other side of the line.